Information retrieval is an iterative and interactive process. In other words, searchers who are not satisfied with their initial search results revise their queries through addition, deletion, or change of their search terms. Through the analysis of a 2001 Excite Web search log, the author found that 26% of initial queries for image search were revised. This poster reports on one possible approach for enhancing image retrieval effectiveness through design of an image retrieval system which can guide users to reformulate their queries. The poster explores three research questions by means of two surveys and a post-interview were administered to approximately 50 participants.
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Yoon, J. (2009). Effectiveness of Query Expansion using Flickr Related Tags. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2009. https://doi.org/10.23106/dcmi.952109661
DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952109661