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Metadata towards an e-research cyberinfrastructure: The case of French PhD theses
Jacques Ducloy , Jean-Paul Ducasse , Muriel Foulonneau , Luc Grivel , Diane Le Hénaff , Yann Nicolas
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This paper analyses metadata practices and needs in the French research community. It focuses on PhD theses whose life-cycle is totally controlled by the academic institutions. It uses information treatments dealing with setting up research policy as samples for an eresearch orientation. Several case-studies illustrate the fundamental role of various repositories containing affiliations, authorities or linguistic items. ARTIST, the collective author of this paper, is introduced.
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Ducloy, J., Ducasse, J.-P., Foulonneau, M., Grivel, L., Le Hénaff, D., & Nicolas, Y. (2006). Metadata towards an e-research cyberinfrastructure: The case of French PhD theses. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2006. https://doi.org/10.23106/dcmi.952108464
DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952108464