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Was CIMI too early? Dublin Core and Museum Information: metadata as cultural heritage data
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In 2000, CIMI reported on the use of Dublin Core metadata in the museum context and proposed a broader set of elements for museums. This paper examines that decision in the light of developments in the DCMES and reaches a different conclusion. The conclusion is based on experience with a virtual museum of Indigenous culture when metadata application profiles and schema cross-walks were available, unlike when CIMI investigated the same issue. In particular, it is now possible to use rich descriptions (data) and Semantic Web technologies and maintain the interoperability of Dublin Core metadata.
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Nevile, L., & Lissonnet, S. (2005). Was CIMI too early? Dublin Core and Museum Information: metadata as cultural heritage data. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2005. https://doi.org/10.23106/dcmi.952108019
DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952108019