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Improving Metadata Quality: Augmentation and Recombination

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Digital libraries have, in the main, adopted the traditional library notion of the metadata "record" as the basic unit of management and exchange. Although this simplifies the harvest and re-exposure of metadata, it limits the ability of metadata aggregators to improve the quality of metadata and to share specifics of those improvements with others. The National Science Digital Library (NSDL) is exploring options for augmenting harvested metadata and re-exposing the augmented metadata to downstream users with detailed information on how it was created and by whom. The key to this augmentation process involves changing the basic metadata unit from “record” to "statement."

Author information

Diane I. Hillmann
Cornell University, USA,
Naomi Dushay
(NSDL) Cornell University, USA,
Jon Phipps
(NSDL) Cornell University, USA,

Cite this article

Hillmann, D., Dushay, N., & Phipps, J. (2004). Improving Metadata Quality: Augmentation and Recombination. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2004. https://doi.org/10.23106/dcmi.952107705

DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952107705

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