In this paper, we consider the design of a new metadata format to advance scholarly communication over the Internet. This format is designed to be used within the Open Archives Initiative. It is based on work by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative and others. We present a requirements analysis and then propose a conceptual framework for the metadata. We examine metadata quality control and assess the role of the Resource Description Framework.
Author information
Thomas Krichel
Palmer School of Library and Information Science
Long Island University
New York, USA,
Simeon M. Warner
MS B285, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA,
Cite this article
Krichel, T., & Warner, S. (2001). A metadata framework to support scholarly communication. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2001. https://doi.org/10.23106/dcmi.952106519
DOI : 10.23106/dcmi.952106519